Tuesday, January 31, 2006

4074: Year of the Dog

Did I say my dog was turning orange?
I meant green & yellow with long fangs.

A Happy and Prosperous New Year? I'll settle for quiet and uneventful. And no, I won't be walking in the
parade with my dog (who hates me). I don't think she would enjoy the fireworks - she shakes enough as it is.
The 7th Annual Chinatown Lunar New Year Parade will feature a special section of proud canine marchers, many dressed in Chinese-style doggie clothes!
Update 1/31/2006 2:34 PM: And if it's 'dirty dogs' you're looking for (see comments) go here. you're welcome.

Saturday, January 28, 2006


"Look Edith. Meathead wants me to sign his petition!"

Actually Norman Lears's People For the American Way does [here] in support of Senator John Kerry's filibuster effort.

What the hell, go sign it.

Update 1/30/06 7:15 PM: Brick. Oh well... Long live the King!

[Senator John Kerry failed] to block the [male] conservative judge's [Sam Alito] nomination...Republican and Democratic senators on a 72-25 vote agreed to end their debate, setting up a Tuesday morning vote on Alito's confirmation to replace retiring moderate [female] Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.

Update 1/30/06 7:44 PM: Might as well add some funny from All in the Family:

Archie Bunker: Go ahead, ask your mother, *she* believes in capital punishment.
Gloria Stivic: Do you Ma?
Edith Bunker: Well, sure.
Gloria Stivic: MA?
Edith Bunker: Well, as long as it ain't too severe.
Also, Carroll O'Connor... Sandra Day O'Connor... get it? get it? Norman Lear was the executive producer for All in the Family *and* the founder of People For The American Way. What's that rule? If you have to explain it, it's not funny? bah!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

drugs are bad, m'kay?

...and if you see two tiny old people in this photo of a recently discovered drug tunnel between Tijuana, Mexico and Otay Mesa, California you really should lay down or something. Honestly. Get a grip. It is all an illusion...

Update 2/8/2006 8:10 PM: NYT link is now CNN (stupid NYT log in page).

a riddle

I’m glad to get a solid,
Even when
it’s mushy.
And if you have
a pair of X’s,
I think
you’ll find me pushy.
Query me
to your heart’s content,
don’t upset my wife.
At least my name’s not
At least it’s
not for life. (SIKE!!!)

Who am I?

drink four, vomit twice.

Detail from "The Drink Four Drinkers"
[Je suis désolé Monsieur Degas]
Getting a buzz out of absinthe

Four was launched in 2005 and is available across Ohio, and there are plans to release it nationwide in the US by the end of 2006.
OOoh! I can't wait 'till this mutant swill comes to my backwater town! Is this the same Ohio where they put chili on spaghetti?

DrinkFour? How about I drink ZERO! Burn!!! I got your 'body buzz' right here!

I'm sorry Ohio. We've never even met. I guess I'm still angry about, well... I better not catch you stealing another election. OK?

And please don't ask me what I was doing at cantechonline.com because then I'd have to explain my visit to Convenience Store News - it's a long boring story. Kind of like this blog, only long.

Update 4/4/2006 11:51 PM: Drink Four and Vote Twice: Ohio Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell in the hot seat - via derenegade.blogspot.com & tpmmuckraker.com.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


Thanks to archive.org I just visited the June 11, 2003 webpage for Jack Abramoff's ice cream parlor in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Look in the ubiquitous and ever-amusing updates.

Double DelVecchio Post

Rita adds: "Okay? you happy? Oh, Yeah? Go shoot up your hashish."

Jeez. Who spiked my coffee?

Update 1/27/2005 10:54 PM: So, yeah, since this SNL bit is actually kinda funny (and not completely stale) I'll add it.

Update: 2/17/2006 4:36 PM: Had to fix the link. NBC bullied YouTube.com into dropping the SNL digital short 'Lazy Sunday'.

I have met the BB and the BB is me.

BB = Big Brother

While my brain was still idling, waiting for the caffeine to kick in, I followed a link from a punny NYTimes Arts & Leisure 'Directions' piece called Go Retell It on the Mountain - no link?

[computer on. meatspace/dead-tree/newsprint NYT on the coffee table. plastic bag it came in is down the street in a city trash can with a fresh poo in it. my dog (who hates me) in
her regular spot]

I find
BLDG BLOG which seems like a nice place to loiter while I wait for my synapses to start firing. This post is a nice addition to the whole on-going domestic spying issue/crisis/revelation.

Actually, this type of surveillance is not very intrusive if you consider that the eyes and ears of the village have always been there watching you -- The job once performed by the likes of
Rita "I saw that you little punk!!" DelVecchio is now the responsibility of, well, Rita. Except now, instead of sweeping up the porch calling after you and your egg-throwing friends, she's on the couch with the remote reaching for the neighborhood watch on speed dial. Then she does a screen capture off her TV and adds your picture to SeeThisSeeThisMineNow.Blogspot.com or some such.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Fourth Amendment again*

* this is getting old. Can we just skip the part where the President sets fire to The Constitution?

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Orange Alert!!!

Brooklyn, NY - January 19, 2006
Orange Alert!!! Like any proper Orange Alert, this one is about a month old (or three to four years in some cases) - but the threat persists! My Dog (who hates me) is turning orange from constantly licking herself (because she hates me). We took her in and got some special doggie shampoo. I think it is best that 'mommy' gives her the baths, don't you? I mean, she can barely stand having me in the same room let alone me grabbing at her struggling, soapy body in an old cast iron tub. The sound of her claws against the tub - her soft whimpering echoing off the ceramic tile walls... [note to self: go to home depot and/or work on the screenplay] On the plus side, she hasn't tried to hide under the bed in a while -- and she still adores 'mommy'.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Martin Luther King Jr.

The King Center

to be sold to the National Park Service?

Update 1/19/2006 7:11 PM: Two things (because without them this post would be 100% link dumpage).

One: I hope The King Center remains a 100% independent organization. I realize the Park Service may be limited to simply keeping up the facilities but after the Federal Bureau of Investigation's relationship* with Martin Luther King Jr. I say the U.S. Government should have no presence at the King Center.

Two: The Triple Evils - a nice quickie on the true enemy. I would add 'Corruption' but I suppose it could fall under POVERTY\materialism
*Link: FOIA Reading Room Index 'K' - click on King, Martin Luther, Jr.

Update 1/31/2006 1:01 PM: Coretta Scott King, widow slain U.S. civil rights leader, dies at age 78


Ricky, Steve and Karl

OMFG... bless you Karl.

Friday, January 13, 2006

You do me a solid, I do you a solid.

'Séance Sam' as inspired by Fafblog Interviews: JUDGE SAMUEL ALITO -
Supreme Court nominee Judge Sam 'Scalito' Alito as Kingdom Hospital's Sally Druse
Happy Friday the 13th!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

did I mention ice cream?

Yes, I believe I did - here and here. And now this...

What's that you say? "American International Center sure is an odd name for scoop shop?" or "That sounds more like a premier international think tank."

Well, I'm sure it's
just a coincidence. must be.

And so I say again, ice cream damn it!

Update 1/10/2006 6:56 PM: And you know who likes ice cream? Kids do:
Scanlon Foundation For Kids
53 Baltimore Avenue
Rehoboth Beach, DE (Delaware) 19971-2131
Phone: (302) 226-8939

Update 1/21/2006 2:21 PM: The cached page page at the 'kids do:' link above has changed? The listing is gone. Oh well. Use this. Or this. Happy Hunting!

Update 1/21/2006 2:52 PM: Here's a screenshot from archive.org showing the AIC contact webpage on June 11, 2003. I highlighted the phone number which matches the number for the AIC ice cream shop. Thanks Archive.org!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

flashlight* + tuxedo kitty...

equals fun!

Friday, January 06, 2006

girls on film

Brooklyn, NY - January 6, 2006
My dog (who hates me & who shall remain nameless)
gets ready for her late night walk.

1,385 feet*

I just found this rad** photo browsing through a construction industry newsletter. It was originally featured in the New York Times, taken by Vincent Laforet on 1/19/2001 January 13, 2000. My curiosity's piqued - so I'll check out this archived WNYC show.

On a certain level, the idea of being this high up appeals to me - the perspective, the excitement, the whole urban spelunking thing. On another level I think I should leave this to the professionals - although I did rappel 'Australian Style'*** a long time ago... and rock climbing in Thailand in early 2004 was pretty bitchin'** too even though I am a complete novice.

Anyway, great photo. Here's a bigger version

* From Vincent Laforet's caption. Top of broadcast antenna:
1472 feet
**Sorry. I'll grow up now.
***Not a picture of me.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

much better than Cats

Jack Abramoff and the Amusing Orange-colored Jumpsuit.


"This will crowd out a lot of the news about the new Bush agenda," says Paul Light, a political scientist at New York University. "He'll be going up to the Hill to present his agenda, and meanwhile you have six, 12, 20 members desperately trying to return money to Abramoff, and another bunch wondering how they will look in an orange jump suit."

Kinda like Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat only the rags-to-riches story is thrown into reverse. Perhaps we can get former Attorney General John 'I lost to a dead man' Ashcroft a nice singing part.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Fetchez la vache!*

Welcome 2006. I should have stayed in Miami so I could greet you there when you arrived. But for some reason I booked my return flight for your birthday. I guess my New Year's resolution will have to be something like 'I resolve to be less cruel to myself when planning my next vacation'.

Jonathan Ive, the man behind Apple's iconic iPod and iMac, has become a CBE in the New Year Honours list.
That's nice, but what I want to know is, what's on the Royal iPod? Jethro Tull perhaps?

Disclosure: I have an iPod (classic).

Disclosure #2: As I post this, I am busy** dumbing-down my super-large mpeg4 files to the crude but smaller mp3 format because my 1,127 songs have filled up my 8.5 GB SCSI HDD. Ahh... the age old question finally has an answer: Quantity.

* Fetchez pas la vache! He is only a near-knight.

** I'm going alphabetically by album title:

On the cooling rack...

Minute Men: Double Nickels on the Dime

in the oven...

The Jesus Lizard: Down

and up next...

Elysian Fields: Dreams That Breathe Your Name

Various Artists: Everything You Always Wanted To Know About 60s Mind Expansive Punkadelic Garage Rock Instrumentals But Were Afraid To Ask

They Might Be Giants: Flood