puppies, rainbows and ice cream cones
OK, just ice cream. No rainbows or puppies. Sorry dude.
I enjoy Häagen-Dazs ice cream but I have a dilemma.
In looking over the contributions to Delay's Legal Expense Trust (3rd Quarter 2005 - $177,020) I see that Rose Vesel Mattus, who wants to tell you The true story of how Haagen Dasz ice cream became an American tradition invented by immigrants who were raised in the Brooklyn and lived an American dream, gave $5000 to the ethically-challenged, Pro-Israel hardliner, former House Majority Leader Tom Delay.
As someone who feels Tom Delay represents everything* that's wrong with our government I am truly in a quandary. Do I stop eating Häagen-Dazs out of principle? Maybe. More likely I'll stop so I don't give myself a coronary thrombosis. Regardless, if I do sometimes give in to my weakness despite my heart or head, I shall take comfort in the fact that Henry Rollins apparently was the manager of a Haagen Dazs ice cream store before becoming the frontman for 80's punk band Black Flag. Dilemma? What dilemma? So much for that brain freeze. Give me a spoon.
*Well, almost everything - Yes, I'm looking at you George. No ice cream for you.
Also, in case my cyber-sleuthing skills are not as good I think and I am picking on the wrong 'Rose' just enjoy the nutty picture of a some lady with an ice cream cone.
Thanks wikipedia.org & opensecrets.org!
Update 11/29/2005 2:04 PM: Hold the phone. It seems Häagen-Dazs was sold to The Pillsbury Company in 1983. Just when you think you've stumbled on a gosh-darn ethical conundrum, pitting heart against head, it vanishes like so many chocolate-covered almonds in a vat of heavy cream. Oh well.Final** Update 11/29/2005 5:59 PM: yep, definitely no rainbows...
I enjoy Häagen-Dazs ice cream but I have a dilemma.
In looking over the contributions to Delay's Legal Expense Trust (3rd Quarter 2005 - $177,020) I see that Rose Vesel Mattus, who wants to tell you The true story of how Haagen Dasz ice cream became an American tradition invented by immigrants who were raised in the Brooklyn and lived an American dream, gave $5000 to the ethically-challenged, Pro-Israel hardliner, former House Majority Leader Tom Delay.
As someone who feels Tom Delay represents everything* that's wrong with our government I am truly in a quandary. Do I stop eating Häagen-Dazs out of principle? Maybe. More likely I'll stop so I don't give myself a coronary thrombosis. Regardless, if I do sometimes give in to my weakness despite my heart or head, I shall take comfort in the fact that Henry Rollins apparently was the manager of a Haagen Dazs ice cream store before becoming the frontman for 80's punk band Black Flag. Dilemma? What dilemma? So much for that brain freeze. Give me a spoon.
*Well, almost everything - Yes, I'm looking at you George. No ice cream for you.
Also, in case my cyber-sleuthing skills are not as good I think and I am picking on the wrong 'Rose' just enjoy the nutty picture of a some lady with an ice cream cone.
Thanks wikipedia.org & opensecrets.org!
Update 11/29/2005 2:04 PM: Hold the phone. It seems Häagen-Dazs was sold to The Pillsbury Company in 1983. Just when you think you've stumbled on a gosh-darn ethical conundrum, pitting heart against head, it vanishes like so many chocolate-covered almonds in a vat of heavy cream. Oh well.Final** Update 11/29/2005 5:59 PM: yep, definitely no rainbows...
4/29/1997 $500 to Jesse Helms**I swear.
12/8/1997 $250 to Jesse Helms
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