Friday, March 24, 2006

mdhm interim report #2

So, it's all true. Blogging for most of us here among the great unwashed usually ends up being a half-hearted enterprise that one quits about two days/weeks/months in and/or an on-line journal written by and for losers chronicling either the supremely mundane (e.g. what I ate today.) or the supremely stupid (see stinky feet project, etc.) events in their sad lives. But before I hang this isht up* I have a question: Is there some German word or something, y'know, along the lines of Schadenfreude that might convey the feeling simultaneous repulsion and attraction that seems to be the main raison d'etre for this blog pile? I am sure I could find it myself but I'm lazy and I think it may be best it remains a mystery. It would probably be hard to spell anyway. Maybe even more daunting than s-c-h-a-d-e-n-something.

Whatever - Shorter My Blog: My Dog is cute. It loves my wife but hates me. Ouch! Poor me. My President (it hurts to say that) and his whole crew of f'ing GOP goose-stepping stormtroopers drive me crazy and makes me worry for the future of this country like I am living in some type of Fast Times at American-Taliban High nightmare or something. I live in Brooklyn near a subway but that is all I will tell you about me. I want to remain anonymous because this is my first ever blog and it blows. Plus some of you** might be weirdo internet stalker types. Don't take offense if you are. I'd be one too if there was any money in it. The hours are better anyway. Where was I? Oh yeah, blowing. Whales blow too, through little holes in their head. Whatch-ma-callits. Blow-Holes. Some classic book I never read was all bout this guy who was obsessed with killing a white whale. I went to Nantucket for a few nights which made a lot of money whaling back in the olden days. Anyway, whales 'n isht. I think that means something. Also, I like music. Not the music you like though. My music is cooler than yours because the singing is crappy and the guitars are noisy and they played to a small crowd for $5 a head and I saw them live and I shook the singer's hand and I had a band too once and we were so-so and blah blah blah - oh yeah, there was this one band that the whole whaling thing reminded me of - a band out of New Bedford singing about Whaling n isht. I like beer.

See. I can't even be bothered to do a proper 'shorter'
whatever that is.

pfft. who cares. time for drinks.

*a little secret: I already laid the foundation for a new blog under a new pseudonym. I predict it will last about half as long as this steaming pile did/does.

** You are there aren't you- readers? hello?


Blogger orson said...

Dear adsenearner,

Yes. Enjoy. I will. Thank you.

March 24, 2006 6:28 PM  

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