big boy pants
--- see final update at bottom ---
--- my new screen name: orson ----
--- my new screen name: orson ----
So I've decided to give myself a new handle (which should show up on this post). I got caught wandering through someone's backyard (see comments - EEP!* um, hi! seen my frisbee?) and I've always hated my old name so now I'm g-toast.
I know, I know, you hate it, but to me it has a certain 'je ne sais quoi'. Why the 'g'? Is he a ganstarapper? A g-man? Is this toast burned, as toast so often is? Is it an anagram of Goat St. or St. Goat or Toga St.?
Saldy, we'll never
Besides, if I'm going to name myself after a food it should be something I know how to make.
And while I like them ol' Smithereens' songs well enough to start a blog by arbitrarily** naming myself after one of their songs/albums I read somewhere that the Smithereens' Pat D' guy was like a sorta-Libertarian (OK, Reform which is like a really mild Libertarian - I don't know) or something and that won't do. I am not for 'shrinking government' - maybe I would to send it to its room without dinner. And by dinner I mean 'bloated military spending'. Where was I?
So, big boy pants from now on, with a better name, and my dog still hates me.
* "EEEP!" which I've always attributed to Calvin and Hobbes, no?
** other names I considered: Keyboard, Wall, Floor, Pencil, Cup, *looking around room*, ummm, Lamp...
g-toast (that's me) sez: see you at the pool!
Thanks to Mrs.
Update 7/1/2006 1:09 AM: OK. I hate hate hate the screen name 'g-toast'.
I am now 'orson'. I don't care if it dates me. I don't care if it's already taken by somebody else on blogspot. I don't care if Robin Williams sues me (ok, maybe a little). And I don't care if the orson character was all about not having a human sense of humor, a foil to mork, and how everything had to be explained to him - because when you have a dog that hates you, I imagine that feels a little like having some manic spaceman telepathically calling you up everyday trying to explain to you why everything is backwards from what you expect it to be and that maybe there's some cosmic joke being played on you. so there. final. I think. signing off... - orson.
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