Wednesday, November 30, 2005

gospel yeah yeah

Another note on DC punk bands
indie/punk bands- Black Flag was just slightly before my time (not sure if they had a lot of 8-14 yr old fans) so I feel compelled to share with you a band while perhaps not 'punk' per se is a Dischord (Dischord is DC label, Rollins was in DC when he joined - whatever, like any of this makes any sense) band that I have actually seen a couple of times and rocked out to - The Make-Up - plus, in those outfits (bright yellow) they look like they could give Henry Rollins a run for his money, scooping some serious ice cream.

...not on
President Bush's ipod, although I think he would enjoy 'You + I Vs. The World'
if the song title is anything to go by.

Update 12/1/2005 1:33 AM: [Edit] Am I making any sense at all? I know LA and DC are two different places, OK? Ice cream damn it!

Update 12/1/2005 2:10 AM: Also, this seems like as good a time/place as any to add that
We Jam Econo will explain to you why this band (pictured below) could be your life.

hidden in plain sight

Brooklyn, NY - November 29, 2005
Don't sit on your dog, even if it does look like a throw pillow.

Update: 12/1/2005 10:11 PM: Thought-bubbles are fun.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

puppies, rainbows and ice cream cones

OK, just ice cream. No rainbows or puppies. Sorry dude.

I enjoy Häagen-Dazs ice cream but I have a dilemma.

In looking over the
contributions to Delay's Legal Expense Trust (3rd Quarter 2005 - $177,020) I see that Rose Vesel Mattus, who wants to tell you The true story of how Haagen Dasz ice cream became an American tradition invented by immigrants who were raised in the Brooklyn and lived an American dream, gave $5000 to the ethically-challenged, Pro-Israel hardliner, former House Majority Leader Tom Delay.

As someone who feels Tom Delay represents everything* that's wrong with our government I am truly in a quandary. Do I stop eating
Häagen-Dazs out of principle? Maybe. More likely I'll stop so I don't give myself a coronary thrombosis. Regardless, if I do sometimes give in to my weakness despite my heart or head, I shall take comfort in the fact that Henry Rollins apparently was the manager of a Haagen Dazs ice cream store before becoming the frontman for 80's punk band Black Flag. Dilemma? What dilemma? So much for that brain freeze. Give me a spoon.

*Well, almost everything - Yes, I'm looking at you George. No ice cream for you.

Also, in case my cyber-sleuthing skills are not as good I think and I am picking on the wrong 'Rose' just enjoy the nutty picture of a some lady with an ice cream cone.

Thanks &!

Update 11/29/2005 2:04 PM: Hold the phone. It seems Häagen-Dazs was sold to The Pillsbury Company in 1983. Just when you think you've stumbled on a gosh-darn ethical conundrum, pitting heart against head, it vanishes like so many chocolate-covered almonds in a vat of heavy cream. Oh well.

Final** Update 11/29/2005 5:59 PM: yep, definitely no rainbows...
4/29/1997 $500 to Jesse Helms
12/8/1997 $250 to Jesse Helms
**I swear.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

thanksgiving polltaking

Saturday, November 19, 2005

mdhm interim report

Brooklyn, NY - November 19, 2005
My dog hates me but poses for a picture anyway.

my dog hates me (mdhm) interim report:

In reviewing the
mdhm mission statement (such as it is) and quality control guidelines (no such thing) the following areas are found to be in need of improvement;
- the recent trend of absurdist posts and political commentary are not in the spirit of a self-deprecating blog about my dog hating me nor are they terribly funny or clever. Any political posts should be clever, droll, with witty double-entendre, and most importantly, apropos to mon chien me déteste ma chienne me déteste (my bitch hates me? - back to French I for me). Photo collage of my dog with cinematic stills and posters are to be kept to a minimum. D'accord? Bon.

- While the noticeable lack of focus on the subject of my dog hating me can be justified by;

a) my dog does indeed hate me but does so in a quiet fashion.

b) This 'quiet' dog-hate is inherently difficult to document with photography or with audio recording which leaves writing about it. Writing would require work and proof-reading of that work, something I'm accustomed to being paid to do. I am familiar with the term hobby but it is my understanding hobbies typically involve Lionel trains and/or stamps. I will refrain from referring to mdhm as a hobby. mdhm will remain something I do for fun. Working for free is not fun.

c) A blog, by nature, should be updated regularly, ideally everyday, and 'quiet' dog-hate such as this does not readily fit into this format (e.g. Wednesday: my dog stared at me while she shivered and hid behind a throw cushion. Thurs: my dog stared at me while she shivered and hid behind a throw cushion. and so on. you get the idea - boring). It is worth noting that a more confrontational style of relating to my dog who hates me may create more blog-worthy tension, tears, barking, biting, accidents and other excitement but this is a high-risk strategy in that it could backfire and forever ruin any chance of my dog not hating me. Success with my first blog takes a backseat to success with my first dog.

::wipes single tear from eye:: No, it's ok, I can keep going...

d) I have a job and I've been sick for the last three days. The flu sucks. The flu that makes you vomit sucks more. Sinus pressure sucks too.

these are mere obstacles to be overcome. I need to think of my first blog effort as a lighthouse in a storm - only lighthouses are boring so I'll work on a better metaphor - I think the whaling theme was a step in the right direction. 'Perseverance' is the operative word. 'Self-pity' is a hyphenated semi-operative word. 'Pee' and 'poo' are definitely operative. 'Tomorrow', 'soon' and 'good enough' are definitely not.
So in conclusion, I resolve to add quality posts that are in keeping with the mission statement and to do so on a more regular basis.*

*Unless I am sick, working a lot, or have nothing to say.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

inspiral jetties

Why am I hearing the theme to the Benny Hill Show?*

Redhead artspace asks "Does art make enough room to laugh at itself?" and then answer their own question in the affirmative.

*possible mental disorders aside.

Dogville Sharkville

The great white shark Nicole.
Alas, no frickin' lasers on her head.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Jerk

accepts the Mark Twain Prize

Update 11/9/2005 11:28 PM: The Kennedy Center Presents: The 2005 Mark Twain Prize: Additional funding is provided by United Technologies - remember Black Hawk Down? Comedy gold. Remember when 18 dead American soldiers was a lot? Times change I guess.

Update 11/28/2005 7:11 PM: Just came back here to check if the link still works and to add some Mark Twain -

Wit is the sudden marriage of ideas which, before their union, were not perceived to have any relation.

- Notebook, 1885