take it to the bridge
re: the recent passing of James Brown...

I've fallen and I can't GET UP! Instead of the scene I am staying on the floor - how is this like a machine for sex? Zut alors!
I couldn't get through even half of this french-canadian*(?) person's rendition of 'Sex Machine' before I started having odd thoughts like a mash-up (gash up?) with this.
I'm weird. random.
previous james brown related post here and here - I was on japan kick that time.
* yes, I know. french film has nothing in common with french-speaking canada except for the french speaking part sort of. if I see any french-canadian films about a nutty piano teacher I'll update the post.
coffin nails
supposedly that's what they call cigarettes in .au. fun facts.
I'm sure there are several people out there (tens! dozens!) who are sincere in their fetish but this rollie won't light if you ask me - I call shenanigans *
LG15 meets Thank You For Smoking ???
is "hookagirl15" taken?
*yes, I switched from Aussie-isms to Irish. thanks. thanks for noticing.
I've been caught stealing -
once when I was 5.
Actually I turned myself in - to my mom. And I was six, not five. maybe five.
not sure about my age but true story.
Despite having a sense of shame/remorse/conscience and the attendant ability to admit fault (unlike this one guy who's like the 43rd President of the United States or something) - despite all that, according to this, I am...

via fauxrealtho after clicking through from comments at tbogg.
no links b/c I am shy umm, EVIL!!!* (h/t recent thepoorman.net post about that kook whose surname rhymes with spinach featuring a still of Sir Simon Milligan and Manservant Hecubus).
so my dog hates me because I am evil... but I answered 'beef' not 'dog' on the quiz question about meat in my diet. Perhaps b/c I chose 'Luxembourg' over 'Italy' - I mean she is an Italian Greyhound after all (heh. duh. bad jokes! EVIL!) But I've never been to Italy and Luxembourg was a cool place to visit - it had all those caves and tunnels and shit - what d'ya call em - Casemates
speaking of Italy and Evil and 1997 (oh we weren't discussing 1997? I'm always talking about the mid to late nineties. word!) here's a rad movie: Life is Beautiful. BTW, in the off chance you haven't seen it, the father dies in the end -- I AM EVIL!
Also - this blog turned a year old last month I think - time to smother it with a pillow -- which reminds me of another great kids in the hall sketch.
what was I talking about again? hmmm. Chaotic Evil is more like it.
* posted by a user called 'camelsmoker04' - I don't know what that's supposed to mean either. I don't want to.
same old same old
one post per month. sad.
know what else is sad? this. via curbed.com
but I suppose it ain't none of my damned business no more anyhow since I moved from NY to PA.
hmmm... what else.
- not really working is getting old.
- not having a 100% completed apt/building to live in is getting old.
- I'm getting old (and wise? or maybe just old. old and fat?).
- my dog still hating me is getting old.
- this blog is getting old.
- the sliced ham bits in the fridge are getting a little to old to feed to the dog.
- my computer is getting old (I want one of these - pretty sick i think).
perhaps I'll have something to write about in Jan.
Update: 12/9/2006 3:30 PM Oh well. I guess I won't be buying any 6,000 dollar dual amd opteron workstations from HP (with the six grand that I don't have anyway) because HP is naughty and bad* according to an article in the NYT paper today by Brad Stone and Matt Richtel - and I can't seem to find it online so I 'googled' Brad Stone and Matt Richtel and found this which talks about some kids in a writing workshop or something and how they designed their own video games which includes drawings with awesome titles like 'Mostly Drawn Stingray' which sounds like some shitty band I wouldn't enjoy at all or 'The Dragon or The Ligon' which might as well be titled 'Vote For Pedro' if you catch my drift and I think you do. Anyway, I tried the game but my dude kept dying so I'm going to go and buy the cheat hint booklet.
*the article headline is "Senate Passes Bill to Criminalize Pretexting"