blogger was bloggered. I quit my jobber. my dog slobbered. my car got clobbered but I drove it anyway 'cause I can't be bothered. moved out of the big apple to the city of scrapple* -- my wife and I are on the market for a cute row house... know of any?

*nobody really calls it that. I was just looking for a rhyme - anybody want a peanut? I am now blogging from eschatonistanadelphia -- where my ears ring daily with authentic examples of philly speak gurgling up from the crack beneath my apt door as the contractors scurry around trying to finish off the last units in our new machine for living and/or partying. disclosure: this is my city of origin - I tease with, dare I say, brotherly love.

*nobody really calls it that. I was just looking for a rhyme - anybody want a peanut? I am now blogging from eschatonistanadelphia -- where my ears ring daily with authentic examples of philly speak gurgling up from the crack beneath my apt door as the contractors scurry around trying to finish off the last units in our new machine for living and/or partying. disclosure: this is my city of origin - I tease with, dare I say, brotherly love.
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