Monday, August 28, 2006


So... a quick post in an effort to spare myself the embarrassment of having only one post this month:

This is a good quick read
over at alternet and it speaks to me because I spent a couple days recently on the outskirts of Burlington VT where not all mutterings are tortured ultra-politically correct phrases. In fact some of it is down-right ignorant. So, I wanted to link to something that urges against that tendency to lump all of this complex stuff going on into two dumb-as-rocks categories: 'us' and 'them'. I don't care if you're talking rich college kids vs. the working poor or 'amer'cans' vs. 'not amer'cans' (they have many colorful names in some knuckle-headed circles) or muslims vs. whoever. Regardless who or what we're talking about this shit has got to stop. I'm not interested in going back several hundred or thousand years in time where everything that we don't understand or is different than us is demonized by being lumped into the bloated, fear-inducing categroy of barbarians at the gates or dismissed as less than human or equal to ourselves and therefor can be treated worse than garbage.

I am not signing up for the witch hunt.

I had something else to write but it slipped my mind for now --

Oh yeah - on Thursday I saw Martha Wainwright, Joanna Newsom and Neko Case
at McCarran Poll and durring the Martha Wainwright (first opener) my wife spotted Jimmy Fallon of SNL fame. He was dressed kinda plain but since it was raining we all looked like wet rats so who cares. He was with some skinny dude of modest stature wearing pin strip brown slacks and he kept checking his phone. We snuck a few glances but pretty much left them alone as did everyone else (out of politeness, ignorance or celebrity ennui I know not).

Anyway, I also like
Will Durst's stuff over at alternet.

* I was on vacation last week and I did almost nothing - it was frickin awesome.

Update 8/29/2006 4:09 PM: oh fer cryin' out loud - will somebody please tell D-Rums to put a sock in it.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

yanker and yankee

I had the same thought as John.

I am an American. I am a voter wrapped in fear pheromones, wrapped in J Crew, wrapped in a light flakey crust of denial. Watch me tremble as my government cuts to the quick after being challenged in Connecticut. Oooh. I'm a-scared.

Update 8/10/2006 5:16 PM: CBC News:
An alleged plot to bomb commercial aircraft flying from Britain to the United States is a "stark reminder" that the U.S. is "at war with Islamic fascists," U.S. President George W. Bush said Thursday.
Thanks for the reminder guys, I almost forgot. But I remember now... something about "weapons of mass destruction" or something. Right? Connecticut should be ashamed of itself. Poor three term Senator Lieberman. Nobody ever gave him a fair shake. Although he did get a kiss once -