Wednesday, September 06, 2006

flipping fudge factors

Ken_Blackwell, Ohio Secretary of State, wanted to destroy the paper ballot records from the 2000 2004 (sorry. I can't seem to keep my stolen elections straight) Presidential Election in Ohio?

That's what I overheard during the interview in progress now* with Mark Cripin Miller on
WNYC - He's the author of Fooled Again who is directing people to Columbus Free Press for more info.

meanwhile, in other things switcheroo, chicanery and closer to home... we're now being told "
Developer Said to Cut Size of Brooklyn Project" - and when you're talking about a reduction of 6 to 8 percent I gotta say that's pretty much imperceptible and well within the 'fudge factor' - i.e. who's to say the final building won't end up 6 to 8 percent bigger?

see also:
Develop Don't Destroy and No Land Grab**

*Update 9/7/2006 2:14 PM: and by 'now' I mean yesterday morning - stoopid bloggr wuz bustd.

**Update 9/8/2006 12:28 PM added No Land Grab link. And here's a link to the stupid poll in Crain's -
link - which tells us that we Brooklynites loves us some hulking glass and steel towers casting loooong shadows over entire blocks of brownstones. That's why we live in Brooklyn... so we can sit in the shadow of some big ass office building - everyone knows that. And the traffic? Hey, it could be worse. In fact, it will be worse! But don't worry about it - that's why cars come with horns. Just slam your fist down on it and everyone will get out of your way. fuggedaboutit.


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