Bobbing for Turd blossoms
Columnist Says Rove Was a Source - July 12, 2006
in Bob's own words:
[added] cuts through Bob's 'where there's smoke there might be a little fire, perhaps, but there sure isn't arson - nuh-uh no sir no way - and even if there was arson involved I would know nothing, I say NOTHING, about it' babble.
in Bob's own words:
However, on Jan. 12, two days before my meeting with Fitzgerald, the special prosecutor informed Hamilton that he would be bringing to the Swidler Berlin offices only two waivers. One was by my principal source in the Valerie Wilson column, a source whose name has not yet been revealed. The other was by presidential adviser Karl Rove, whom I interpret as confirming my primary source's information. In other words, the special prosecutor knew the names of my sources.Bush Vows To Fire Leak Criminals - WASHINGTON, July 18, 2005:
(CBS/AP) President Bush said Monday that if anyone on his staff committed a crime in the CIA leak case, that person will "no longer work in my administration."Hey Decider, fire the leaker like you said you would!
[added] cuts through Bob's 'where there's smoke there might be a little fire, perhaps, but there sure isn't arson - nuh-uh no sir no way - and even if there was arson involved I would know nothing, I say NOTHING, about it' babble.
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