Tuesday, June 13, 2006

irony most ironical

So I take the subway home, as I do everyday, only this time the police have set up a table at my station - a table where they randomly stop riders and search bags*. There's maybe five officers standing around. If there were five more I would have had to ask to get by in order to get to the turnstiles. Since I'm not Asian "with a long length beard" - more White-Anglo-Saxon-ish - I don't really expect to be stopped. My train was there, waiting, so a random bag search would've really been a bummer. It only comes every ten minutes or so so a thirty minute commute becomes a forty minute one.

Anyway, I get home and
NOVA, a popular science television series, is on right now with previously aired episode on preserving America's priceless Charters of Freedom: the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights against the ravages of time.

... A
science show about preserving America's priceless Charters of Freedom which were designed to free us and protect us from having a tyrannical government.

... and we're preserving them because why?

What will the next NOVA be about? Scientists study the link between depression, suicide and
public relations?

- Oooh! Frontline is on ... and no irony. bye.

* Update 6/16/2006 12:00 AM Oh yeah, I guess Stabby McStabberson was on the loose. Never mind, I guess? Not sure what good setting up 'check point charlie' at my subway stop is going to do - trying to stop freak things like this from happening.


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