See Karl testify.
Testify Karl, testify.
One, two, three, four, five times before the Grand Jury. Go Karl, GO!

(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
nicked from
I'm just watching and waiting for Karl Rove, The Architect to get what's coming to him - like I did here and here - and now we have this.
'All architects should have to live in the buildings they design' as the saying goes - and Turdblossom's was specifically designed to leak. And I don't condone the annoyingly wide spread perversion of the word 'Architect' to mean anyone who ever planned out anything ever, especially in this case, but it seems to be a lost cause at this point - kinda like Karlsbad Kavern's hopes of coming out clean from this hole he dug himself into. Speaking for myself, this moonbat is ready to drop some serious guano on Turd.
[Edit: oops, forgot to title this one - hasn't all the good turdblossum snark been used up by now?]
[Edit #2: Shite! I just googled "Karlsbad Kavern" and the first two results were from - Do I remove my attempt at humor now that I find it is tainted by inbred warmonger mouthbreather wankerdom? No, I leave it. I stand by my stupid play on words. Even though someone far stupider already used it - poorly. How do you get from Kos to Karlsbad? Stupid. Nonsense. And I know nonsense.]
One, two, three, four, five times before the Grand Jury. Go Karl, GO!

(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
nicked from
I'm just watching and waiting for Karl Rove, The Architect to get what's coming to him - like I did here and here - and now we have this.
'All architects should have to live in the buildings they design' as the saying goes - and Turdblossom's was specifically designed to leak. And I don't condone the annoyingly wide spread perversion of the word 'Architect' to mean anyone who ever planned out anything ever, especially in this case, but it seems to be a lost cause at this point - kinda like Karlsbad Kavern's hopes of coming out clean from this hole he dug himself into. Speaking for myself, this moonbat is ready to drop some serious guano on Turd.
[Edit: oops, forgot to title this one - hasn't all the good turdblossum snark been used up by now?]
[Edit #2: Shite! I just googled "Karlsbad Kavern" and the first two results were from - Do I remove my attempt at humor now that I find it is tainted by inbred warmonger mouthbreather wankerdom? No, I leave it. I stand by my stupid play on words. Even though someone far stupider already used it - poorly. How do you get from Kos to Karlsbad? Stupid. Nonsense. And I know nonsense.]
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