more bad news
What, it's not enough that my cat is dead?

Now I have to read how the terrorists have won - how they have us gleefully shredding The Constitution?
That's just great.
And when you have an approval rating of 31 percent (and falling)* that's a lot of Americans to spy on - better get crakin' boys. Those political enemies aren't going to drag themselves off in the middle of the night. link via,, etc.
Update 5/11/2006 7:01 PM: Dear AT&T. If you don't approve of my little collage of your corporate logo onto the evil bouncing ball from The Prisoner I sincerely apologize. I would've mocked Verizon instead but they've got Darth Vader and I ain't messing with no Darth Vader -
Plus, he's... he's my carrier?!
* Update 5/12/2006 12:09 PM: Called it! Bush Dips Into the 20s. Do I have a crystal ball... or have I found hope that the American public and press** are waking up? I don't need no crystal ball! Besides, I left it in the basement of the Alamo.*** Link via (sorry, link shy today).
** Thanks again Mr. Colbert!
*** Also, Pee Wee is funny when he does the whole "I know you are but what am I? I know you are but what am I?" and "LALALALALALALA - I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" thing. When Bush does it? Not so much.

Now I have to read how the terrorists have won - how they have us gleefully shredding The Constitution?
That's just great.
And when you have an approval rating of 31 percent (and falling)* that's a lot of Americans to spy on - better get crakin' boys. Those political enemies aren't going to drag themselves off in the middle of the night. link via,, etc.
Update 5/11/2006 7:01 PM: Dear AT&T. If you don't approve of my little collage of your corporate logo onto the evil bouncing ball from The Prisoner I sincerely apologize. I would've mocked Verizon instead but they've got Darth Vader and I ain't messing with no Darth Vader -
Plus, he's... he's my carrier?!
* Update 5/12/2006 12:09 PM: Called it! Bush Dips Into the 20s. Do I have a crystal ball... or have I found hope that the American public and press** are waking up? I don't need no crystal ball! Besides, I left it in the basement of the Alamo.*** Link via (sorry, link shy today).
** Thanks again Mr. Colbert!
*** Also, Pee Wee is funny when he does the whole "I know you are but what am I? I know you are but what am I?" and "LALALALALALALA - I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" thing. When Bush does it? Not so much.
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