Friday, December 02, 2005

Squeeze Me Singularity

This post will illustrate the exciting new theory which I will call Pattonoramic Space Time.

The Theory states that any memory I have of a band that I used to listen to in college that has a trajectory towards the Mike Patton Event Horizon will accelerate forward in time stretching out into infinity without actually reaching the present and then be spat out on the 'other side' which is actually the same as the starting point -- music that I used to listen to in college. Also, the dynamics seem to shift from quite hard to quite smooth and soft - a pleasant side-effect of Mike Patton worm-hole spelunking. With that in mind, consider the following;

1. I was just thinking (or willing myself not to?) about
Helmet (circa 1992) yesterday right?

2. The drummer for Helmet,
John Stanier joined an outfit called Tomahawk fronted by Mike Patton [accelerating towards the event horizon] which puts out albums in 2001 and 2003 (which I will check out after this post).

3. [
event horizon] Mike Patton sings with Jennifer Charles of Elyisian Fields on Lovage's Music to Make Love to Your Old Lady By (again, something I intend to check out).

4. [approaching present time] I go see
Elyisian Fields play at Tonic on 4/29/2004 because I enjoyed the 1998 album 'Luckiest Boy in the World'* by Oren Bloedow, of Elyisian Fields, so much it hurt me.

5. [rapidly spitting out the 'other side' towards music I listened to in college] I see Delores open for Fishbone (I think) and they rocked so I buy the
cd comp disc on sale at the concert and I am introduced to Oren Bloedow's music. We are now back 1992. Amazing.

Some other might call this the 'Six-Degrees-Of-somesuch' but I know better.

*I link to this mainly because it calls 'Luckiest Boy in the World' One of the finest musical recordings to come out in the 1990s. Good enough for me. I have not read it otherwise. Perhaps I will later.

Update 12/2/2005 3:11PM: John Stanier interview from Jan 04


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