I reckon this place is dead... knot!
So, I haven't figured out to make statcounter ignore what I assume are webcawlers/bots visiting for zero seconds. In the meantime (oohh, that reminds me of Helmet... gah!, it's like my brain is constantly playing a game of Make-A-Match and it's all music from 6-12 yrs ago. Ok, I'll stop.) just disregard the statcounter. I'm still learning* this stuff as I go.
So, except for me, this place is pretty much a ghost ship, which is Ok as I am still getting my sea legs (wet behind the ears, etc.). 'Tis a lonley life.**
Ho! What's this on the horizon? A ship adrift? Why it's none other than our doppelganger, a dreadnought by the name of My Cat Hates Me Aye. It chills me to the bone to see her like this. bbrrrr.
Shh. Listen. I think I hear a kitty in galley. Fetch her the fanciest feast ye can find.
*randomly pushing buttons and crossing my fingers.
**I know, Talk like A Pirate Day is like 10 months from now. And I've still got a pumpkin on my stoop. What are ya goin' to do about it?? Arr.
So, except for me, this place is pretty much a ghost ship, which is Ok as I am still getting my sea legs (wet behind the ears, etc.). 'Tis a lonley life.**
Ho! What's this on the horizon? A ship adrift? Why it's none other than our doppelganger, a dreadnought by the name of My Cat Hates Me Aye. It chills me to the bone to see her like this. bbrrrr.
Shh. Listen. I think I hear a kitty in galley. Fetch her the fanciest feast ye can find.
*randomly pushing buttons and crossing my fingers.
**I know, Talk like A Pirate Day is like 10 months from now. And I've still got a pumpkin on my stoop. What are ya goin' to do about it?? Arr.
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