Friday, October 14, 2005

compassion (emphasis mine):

On the October 14 broadcast of his daily radio show, right-wing radio host Neal Boortz stated that if the country is faced with an impending national disaster, it should make it a higher priority to save rich Americans rather than poor Americans.


From the October 13 broadcast of Cox Radio Syndication's The Neal Boortz Show:


Now, if you have time, save as many people as you can. But if you have to set some priorities, where do you go? The rich or the poor? OK? Who is a drag on society? The rich or the poor? Who provide the jobs out there? The rich or the poor? Who fuels -- you know, which group fuels our economy? Drives industry? The rich or the poor? Now if you -- all of a sudden, somebody walks up to you and says, "Hey, Boortz listener. You're gonna have a -- you have to make a choice. You're going to -- we're gonna move you to another country. And you're just gonna have to make your way in this other country. We have a choice of two countries for you. In this country, people achieve a lot and they are wealthy because of their hard work. In this country, people don't achieve squat. They sit around all the time waiting for somebody else to take care of them. They have children they can't afford. They're uneducated. They can barely read. And the high point of their day is Entertainment Tonight on TV.

Wow. I think I found my dog (who hates me) a new dogsitter. I mean, really, I suddenly feel all warm and fuzzy inside. not.

At the risk of sounding like a doofus by saying something akin to 'I personally recommend air-breathing and food-eating ', let me just say go read
Eschaton like I did here.

Update 10/14/2005 9:44 PM: fixed mediamatters link.


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