(I) like water (after) fo(u)r (black) chocolate (stouts)
(it helps in the morning)

Friday random te-.... pffft - Friday Beer blogging!
Disclosure: I am not a Brooklyn Brewery shill - I am just one of those "local music! local beer! local [insert item you feel should ideally be crafted locally here]!" type of people I suppose. And in case you haven't read teh sidebar - this blog is authored from Brooklyn, NY (and sometimes Manhattan but always in one of the boroughs - although never from the 'sixth' one - yet)
Also, I wanted to post something. anything.
So I drink one of said-same beers as per above graphique and 'lo! - it is stouty and chocolate-y. I must research this on-line! - brooklynbrewery.com:
And with that - I bid you bon weekend.
ps. here's a music video I first saw on NYNOISE* and then heard again at my somewhat well-scored office happy hour(s)** that we've been having (thus this post - among others): Sunshower by M.I.A.
* also introduced me to Joanna Newsom, LCD Soundsystem, and a few others - like Burnside Project.***
** I seek teh hippest of office parties! is that an oxymoron?!
Update 4/29/2006 2:13 PM: added youtube.com links for Joanna Newsom and LCD Soundsystem - and Burnside Project who want to teach you about the various wallpaper options available. And I fixed links to use the Video URL permalink which means this site will show up on those youtube pages - which means I may be getting over my link shyness. Check in next week and I'll be posting the My Dog Hates Me Manifest Destiny.
***U- 4/29/2006 2:46 PM: Burnside Project again (quicktime video) - this is the one I saw on NYNOISE a while back.
U- 5/1/2006 10:05 PM: So I guess Brooklyn Brand beer is brewed in Utica, NY which is local in the sense that Utica is in NY State but not even remotely local in the sense that it would be quicker to walk to Boston, MA. But I kinda knew this already - I just didn't have a bottle handy to refer to (what are the odds?) and now I don't care because I'm busy watching Stephen Colbert on Youtube.com and downloading Joanna Newsom mp3s from fromamouth.com/milkymoon/ - you know, feeding my soul. [Edit- ] And I feel the need to express my distaste with the caricature of JN on the aforementioned website - is she supposed to be fresh from a Botox injection in that portrait? All shiny and tight? Is this supposed to be some imagined Avant-Garde American Folk-Rock Barbie? I suspect someone was having too much fun with a photoshop filter of some kind.

Friday random te-.... pffft - Friday Beer blogging!
Disclosure: I am not a Brooklyn Brewery shill - I am just one of those "local music! local beer! local [insert item you feel should ideally be crafted locally here]!" type of people I suppose. And in case you haven't read teh sidebar - this blog is authored from Brooklyn, NY (and sometimes Manhattan but always in one of the boroughs - although never from the 'sixth' one - yet)
Also, I wanted to post something. anything.
So I drink one of said-same beers as per above graphique and 'lo! - it is stouty and chocolate-y. I must research this on-line! - brooklynbrewery.com:
Food MatchesYou know what else is also a very good accompaniment to strong cheeses? Me. (hah! - now give me your stinky cheese!)
Served in a snifter glass, Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout is excellent with chocolate desserts, cheesecake, fruit tarts, and ice cream. It is also a very good accompaniment to strong cheeses.
And with that - I bid you bon weekend.
ps. here's a music video I first saw on NYNOISE* and then heard again at my somewhat well-scored office happy hour(s)** that we've been having (thus this post - among others): Sunshower by M.I.A.
* also introduced me to Joanna Newsom, LCD Soundsystem, and a few others - like Burnside Project.***
** I seek teh hippest of office parties! is that an oxymoron?!
Update 4/29/2006 2:13 PM: added youtube.com links for Joanna Newsom and LCD Soundsystem - and Burnside Project who want to teach you about the various wallpaper options available. And I fixed links to use the Video URL permalink which means this site will show up on those youtube pages - which means I may be getting over my link shyness. Check in next week and I'll be posting the My Dog Hates Me Manifest Destiny.
***U- 4/29/2006 2:46 PM: Burnside Project again (quicktime video) - this is the one I saw on NYNOISE a while back.
U- 5/1/2006 10:05 PM: So I guess Brooklyn Brand beer is brewed in Utica, NY which is local in the sense that Utica is in NY State but not even remotely local in the sense that it would be quicker to walk to Boston, MA. But I kinda knew this already - I just didn't have a bottle handy to refer to (what are the odds?) and now I don't care because I'm busy watching Stephen Colbert on Youtube.com and downloading Joanna Newsom mp3s from fromamouth.com/milkymoon/ - you know, feeding my soul. [Edit- ] And I feel the need to express my distaste with the caricature of JN on the aforementioned website - is she supposed to be fresh from a Botox injection in that portrait? All shiny and tight? Is this supposed to be some imagined Avant-Garde American Folk-Rock Barbie? I suspect someone was having too much fun with a photoshop filter of some kind.
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