Bush wants the United Arab Emirates to run our major commercial port operations in New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, New Orleans, Miami and Philadelphia. He wants it so bad he's actually threatening to use his veto power. You know, one of those not-made-up executive powers that he has never, ever used.

PA Governor Rendell's letter to the President:

PA Governor Rendell's letter to the President:
I am aware that the government of the United Arab Emirates, owner of Dubai Ports World, is an ally of the United States. However, serious questions about the appropriateness of this sale have been raised in many quarters, and as of yet I have not seen or heard anything from your administration that convinces me it is safe to proceed.Hey Ed, Listen up! Bush doesn't owe you an explantation. Just be glad New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, New Orleans, Miami and Philadelphia aren't known for thier quail hunting. Now that's something to be afraid of.
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