Tuesday, March 14, 2006

lost, found and free

I am cheap. For example, I made this blog for $0.00 USD.

Also, I like dumpster diving. At least I used to. I once found a pristine bottle (can?) of Zima (by Coors*) in a dumpster. Since I was curious what the fuss was about this "truly unique alcohol beverage" I drank it. This was the early 90's of course. I am a bit wiser now, but no less cheap. I still don't purchase Coors products. Oh no, have I grossed you out? I hope not. I did say it was pristine. I just wiped it off a bit near the opening, cracked it open and had a swig. There was something very refreshing about standing in a dumpster, knee-deep in cast off dorm room furniture, drinking my very first (and last) Zima. But then, this was the height of the grunge era. A brief aside - I finally got around to buying 'Prison', a cd of Steven Jesse Bernstein reading his poems aloud and set to music. I bought it after owning and knowing just one track off it that I had for years on
a comp cd.

Anyway, I was talking about scoring freebies -

I listened to
the Ricky Gervais Show for free from episode 4 on, thanks to Guardian Unlimited, and I loved it.

But now Ricky, Steve and Karl have brought that gravy train to a screeching halt.

I have not yet brought myself to purchase one of the new episodes.
I have the means. I have iTunes. I have a credit card. But I am cheap.

* I seem to be stuck on all things Colorado. This too will pass.


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